My fees are set annually at the beginning of each year. In 2024, I charge R1500 for an individual session (procedure code 86205). A couple psychotherapy, parenting support or family therapy (procedure code 86206) is R1650 per session. Group therapy (procedure code 86308) is R350 per session per person.
Payment can be made in cash, via credit card, or Snapscan in my office after the session.
Alternatively, you can make payments via EFT or Snapscan from home after receiving the weekly statement. If paying from home, payment is expected before the next appointment.
For EFT payments please use the following bank accounts:
Jean Luyt – Clinical Psychologist
First National Bank
Rondebosch Branch: 201 509
Gold Business Account
Account Number: 627 6472 4409
Cape Town Adoption Support
First National Bank
Rondebosch Branch: 201 509
Gold Business Account
Account Number: 630 7107 1179
Medical aid schemes
I submit all invoices directly to a Medical Aid scheme if you are a member of one. Please inform me if you prefer me not to do this. Medical aid schemes differ in the amount they contribute towards psychological services and most have a maximum amount annually. If you plan to claim from a Medical Aid scheme, please find out exactly what cover it offers.
Payments by a third party
If your account will be paid for by a third party, like your parents, or where you are not the main member on the medical aid, I will have to get explicit permission from them to claim from the medical aid or send them an invoice. If this is the case, please provide me with an email address to which I can send the necessary consent form.
Payment by a third party will not impact on confidentiality of the consent of the sessions, but they will be informed about when you attend sessions and if you miss a booked session. It will be your responsibility to discuss with the person paying the account how you will handle appointments missed without adequate notice.
Final responsibility for payment
Whether or not your account is submitted to a Medical Aid scheme or covered by a third party, payment of the account is ultimately your responsibility, and you are liable for any amount which they do not cover for any reason.
Unpaid Accounts
If your account is not paid by the end of the month, you will no longer be able to continue in therapy until such payment is made. Any unpaid account will be handed over to a debt collection agency for recovery of debt after 60 days. The person responsible for the account will be liable to pay the legal costs payable in this event.
Cancellation policy
Given that your session time is reserved for you, I cannot use that session time for another client if you cancel. Cancellations or changes in session times are inconvenient and disrupt the therapeutic process. For this reason, I have a 24-hour cancellation policy to discourage unnecessary changes to the appointment routine. This means that if you cannot attend a scheduled appointment for an unavoidable reason, you need to let me know 24 hours before the appointment is scheduled, before the reminders are sent the day before. All appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged at the full rate and are unlikely to be covered by your Medical Aid scheme.
Prescribed minimum benefits (PMB) conditions
Some Medical Aid schemes, or particular plans within schemes, offer additional benefits for certain serious conditions, called PMB conditions. There are a few serious psychiatric conditions that are designated as PMB conditions. I can only apply for PMB cover if you meet criteria for one of these conditions. Please note that I will not apply for cover for a PMB condition until the assessment phase is complete (usually 3 sessions) and you will be responsible for paying the sessions during this assessment phase.
If the Medical Aid scheme approves payment for a PMB condition I reserve the right to intersperse these sessions with sessions that you cover yourself or which are paid for from medical savings. In this way we ensure sufficient funds to cover treatment for a longer period. Please discuss this with me if you have any questions about this.

Newlands Therapy Centre
082 872 0192
Jean Luyt Clinical Psychologist
Cape Town Adoption Support