Services offered
Individual Therapy

I offer individual therapy, both face-to-face and online on Zoom. Individual psychotherapy is a useful treatment for mental health disorders such as depression, bipolar disorders, anxiety, PTSD and personality disorders. It is also helpful to manage stressful or traumatic life experiences, such as relationship difficulties, parenting stress, academic pressures and experiences of crime or violence and life transitions, such as getting married, moving house, divorce and career changes. Individual therapy can also be useful to learn communication and conflict resolution skills to manage interpersonal difficulties, in families, at school and in the workplace.
Couple Therapy

Couple psychotherapy is a conjoint therapy with both partners in a relationship. Couple therapy is offered both in person and online platforms via Zoom. It is useful to overcome relationship difficulties, improve intimate relationships or plan for separation and divorce.
Parenting Support
Parenting support is useful for those struggling with any parenting issues, especially for those parenting adopted children. It can also be useful create and maintain parenting plans after separation. Parenting support can be offered in individual sessions or with both parents present. Parenting support is offered in person or online via Zoom.
Family Therapy

Family therapy addresses behavioural and emotional difficulties in families and focuses on developing skills, including communication and cooperation skills needed to optimise family relationships. It aims to support the family as a whole, or to support a family to help the individual member of the family who is struggling.
Family therapy is useful when families are going through stressful life events or parents have concerns about children’s behavioural or emotional difficulties. It can also be useful when children are facing serious health concerns, undergoing medical treatment, and for families going through bereavement.
Family therapy can also be useful for adult members of families, such as sibling groups, to resolve conflict or develop better ways of supporting each other, or providing care for family members, such as elderly parents or disabled or mentally ill siblings.
Group Therapy

One of the biggest challenges to people with mental health difficulties is feeling isolated and misunderstood. Finding spaces to share experiences with other people is often the most effective support available. Groups offer opportunities to develop the strength of interpersonal relationships and to get support to face daily challenges, whether individual, in our personal or intimate relationships and in parenting our children.
Group therapy is currently offered to the adoption community. Click here for more information about the monthly online adoption support groups.

Newlands Therapy Centre
082 872 0192
Jean Luyt Clinical Psychologist